Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank goodness its Friday

So it turns out, Melanie has an ear infection. Poor sweet girl. After 3 days of an on again, off again fever and yucky congestion, I finally decided to call the doctor (again). The had us come in for an appointment that afternoon. Melanie and I went alone as Robbie was stuck at work. We saw a different doctor (at a different office). When we got there, M's cheeks were uber-rosy in fact I had multiple people ask me if she had a fever etc. She was no feeling well. Her temp was 101.3 and her heart rate was a little high (although nothing to be worried about). Oh and she weighed 19 lbs and 12 ounces!!!

The doctor came in and did his thing. When he looked into her ears, she said, "Mom, I am not sure I like what I see." I was trying to process what he said when he told me I needed to hold M down as he was going to clean her ears out. M did great, fussing and squirming a bit but nothing near as bad as I thought it was going to be. After he cleaned them out, he looked again and told me that she had an ear infection. The cold she had, caused it. The good news was, that antibiotics would clear it up right away. So off we went to the pharmacy to fill our script.

That was was Wednesday. Today (Friday) M is doing much better. Still lots of snot but not nearly as much and no sign of a fever. I am so relieved. I just do not like seeing my little munchkin sick.