Friday, February 18, 2011

Hearing M cry...


I have been working on getting our afternoon nap to be more routine. M always gets a PM nap, but it was never at the same time because typically, we are on the go. Even though I feel like I am creating more opportunity to be stuck in the house...trapped by naps, I really think it is better for her to get good sleep in the afternoon. So after a couple of weeks of monitoring her tired cues, I decided that 4:15 ish made the most sense. This give me about 3 hours of free time to get things done out of the house between naps. (Almost) every day this week, when I have put her down for this 4:!5 nap, she screams and cries. I am soooo not used to that. I leave the room and just stare at the clock trying to decide what time I will go back in there if the crying does not stop. Today, 16 minutes went by. But then, SILENCE! At night when we put M down to bed, there is rarely any crying. If there is, it lasts no more than 5 minutes so 16 minutes feels like an eternity.

I am assuming that once we get this nap to be more consistent, like bed time, there will be less crying.



Libby said...

I HATE listening to Thad cry. I hope you get the nap situation figured out soon!

Newest GFC follower from Our Growing Garden's blog hop!

Larissa: said...

Stopping by from Jenni's blog hop! Have you heard of the book Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child?? It is a lifesaver and it will help you figure out the whole nap thing! I used their strategies with both of my kids. Good luck!