What an exhausting day! Tillee (our 1 year old puppy for those of you new to my world) kept my hands full the entire day. Who knew how hard it would be to keep a dog distracted when there were so many smells coming out of the kitchen?? The first half of the day was frustrating but bearable. I was in the kitchen helping prepare the stuffing while Robbie worked outside on his smoked turkey. This year, we purchased a smoker. We have already used it to prepare ribs, trout, salmon and tri-tip. So Robbie thought we should attempt a turkey this year. But since we were habing Thanksgiving at Aunt Colleen's, with 20+ people, we thought there should also be a traditional turkey too... just in case. So Tille went back in forth between being outside with Robbie and the smoker, and inside with me... so she could clean up after anything we dropped on the floor. She got a little hard to manage as she decided that that would be the day she demonstrated her "counter-surfing" skills. She continually jumped up so her little paws and head were right at counter height and sniffed away. At home when this happens, we yell at her, push her down and spray her with a sparay bottle of water. But nothing has really done the trick thus she was not at all intimidated to try this at someone else's home. Eventually it got out of control and we had to put up a baracade of chair blocking her off from the kitchen. So what did she do next? Whine... and cry...it got really old but there was little we could do. Finally, my dad, who was in town for the holiday took her for a long walk (over an hour). Thinking that that would wear her out and she would nap when they returned home. Nope! SHe was so restless and could not sit down for a minute. At some point my Aunt Colleen saw her fall into their pool. Luckily TIllee knows how to swim and made her way to the side of the poll. She could not find the steps so I had to lift her out. I got soaking wet. That was sure fun.
The night continued when all of Uncle Siva's family started to arrive. They were not all familiar or comfortable with dogs so I put Tillee's leash on to keep her with me. She is so friendly that she has the tendecny to want to be in everyones' faces kissing and loving. That was not going to work so the leash was the plan. Well once all 20+ were gathered in the living room, Uncle Siva tols me to take her off the leash. It wouls be OK. I knew that was not a good idea but it was his family and his home. So I removed the leash and what did Tillee do? Whe jumped right on the sofa, on top of Siva's eight-something year old father, knocking her drink over. I ran over to get her, took her outside, and that is where we stayed in the freezing cold (it was like 50 degrees but tha tis cold here in Cali) for the next hour or so. All I could do was pray for dinner time so that everyone would be in the other room. I could set up the puppy (aka baby gate) and lock her in the living room with a treat we had been saving for her.
Dinner time finally arrived and the "pizzle stick" (Tillee's magic treat) occupied her for enough time so that Robbie and I could enjoy a good (but quick) Thanksgiving meal. After that things slowed down. Tillee, who typically sleep the entire day while we were are at work, realized that she had no more energy and pooped out on the sofa. This bought us a few more monutes to eat some dessert. The dessert by the way, was great! The two things that got gobble up the quickest were my pumpkin cheesecake and pumpkin pie. I was a proud baker.
Then it finally became a reasonable time for us to say our goodbyes and make the hour and a half drive back home. All in all it was a good day. I felt good, except for a few moments here and there of a little nausea. I think though, that it was becuase I was not hungry enough to each all morning and around 2 or 3, I started to get overly hungry. The harder part of the day was not telling my family (including both my parents) about our little "jelly bean." FYI- jelly bean is what Robbie and I decided to call our bun in the oven. We decided that we wanted to ell them after Thanksgiving becuase there were too many extended family members there and that was not the environment we wanted.
So today (the day after Thanksgiving), Robbie called his parents to tell them. He decided to tell his mom that I had not been feeling well lately and went in for some blood work. That the blood work came back showing high level of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and asked if she knew what that was. RObbie knoew all too well that she would turn around and ask Gary (who is an MD) what HCG was.... expecting that he would know, and fill SHeer in on the surprise. But it did not go quite as planned. Dad answered, and Robbie told Gary about the HCG... Gary did not immediately know what it was and turned the phone over to Sherry. She did not know either but byt then Gary had figured it out and told her. It was still cute and funny but in a more convoluted way than we initially expected.
Tomorrow is the day I will tell my parents/ The plan is for us to meet for lunch and somewhere during the meal, I will break the news. Hopefully, this works out. My mom just called to say she was so tired from a day of shopping and she thinks they might have to pass. I told her that was not an option as it is not often that my dad is in town so I think we have it all set. Tomorrow at 10 in the morning, we will meet for breakfast and Robbie and I will reveal the big news.