Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How do they get so big?

How did she go from this

to this?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My kid is a fish

Today Melanie had her second swim lesson. I always expected her to really enjoy the time in the pool because she loves bath time and she loved being in the pool when we were in Hawaii. But last, week, during her first lesson she was uber fusssy. The lessons are parent-and-me style with 5 child/parent pairs and the instructor. .I think last week, it was a combination of us rushing to get there thus her not getting a complete feeding and there being way too much stimulation. She did okay, but was not the chipper little girl we expected. Today on the other hand, she had the parents watching in the waiting area laughing. She was up to her typical tongue out, shreeking and smiling self. Today we worked on "big arms", kick kick kicking, floating on our backs and safe getting in and out of the pool. Melanie loved it all. She loved it so much, she kept trying to put her face under water. So I did what any mom would do...dunked her! No sweat. She came up with those big beautiful eyes wide open and looking around. Piece of cake.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8 Months!!!

Oh my goodness are the sweetest, cutest thing in the whole world. Your daddy and I love you to pieces. I am not sure where the last 8 months have gone. It is absolutely amazing how you have grown from a teeny tiny (6lb, 6ou) baby, to the big girl you are now. You are everything I ever wanted and more. I love you soooooo much! We have not been to the doctor for about a month and will not be until your 9 month check up so I am not sure on your exact stats... but I do know that you broke the 20 pound mark in early February so I am guessing you are about 21 now.

Some things about you/Melanie at 8 months:
  • You are saying mamamama & dadadadad
  • You are days away from crawling. Right now you rock back and forth on your hands and knees and are so frsutrated that you are not moving forward
  • You are scooting all over the place backwards
  • You can sit up on your own
  • You are loving your solid food. To date you have had; rice and oatmeal cereal, carrots, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, broccoli, cauliflower, apples, pears, peaches, bananas, spinach, chicken and you love to gnaw on bread.
  • Your pincher grasp is great! You love eating your puffs and can pick them up off the highchair and put them right in your mouth
  • You LOVE your dog, Tillee. You just light up when she walks in the room and she sure does make you giggle.
  • You still love bath time (as you have from day one)
  • You are THE BEST sleeper. You sleep from 8PM - 7:30 AM and then nap from 10-12:30 and again from 4-4:45 ish
  • You have pretty much outgrown your 9 month clothes although a few items still fit
  • You can pull yourself to a stand from a squat position and really enjoy standing whether it be holding on to the ottoman, or practice walking around the house (by holding mom or dad's fingers)
Here are 2 demonstrating your "crawling"

And one of my recent favorites

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First Photo Challenge - Simple Beauty

I have never entered an online contest and I am new to this whole blogging thing but I stumbled on and her Simple Beauty contest. I immediately thought of one of the newer pics I took of M the other day at the park. She LOVES the swing and I think I caught a great moment.

Sympathy vs. Empathy

There is a difference between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is when you feel for someone because you can imagine that what they are going through is rough. Empathy however, is when you KNOW how they are feeling because you have been there too. When I was going through my miscarriages, I did not get a lot of empathy from my friends as no one had  been through it before. Everyone was so sad and sorry for what I was going through but no one really understood. No one could say they had been there and help me through the process.I am grateful that my friends did not have to live through that hell but it is a lonely place to be.  Luckily for R and I, after three losses, we were blessed with the most amazing little girl.

I was very vocal about my experiences. I was not ashamed and everyone knows I am not bashful. I did not wear a t-shirt exclaiming I had miscarriages, but I made sure to bring it up if the time was...right. Robbie jumped on the bandwagon as well and now most, if not all of our friends and family know. This has made me an unofficial expert on the topic and now, people who are going through similar experiences are reaching out to me for support. As sad as I am to know people going through fertility issues, I am honored be able to provide them with guidance. Unfortunately, two of our very dear friends are experiencing their own challenges right now. One has had her pregnancy confirmed and everything looks great with the baby however she was given some potentially scary news. My other friend just received confirmation that she will be losing her baby. Although she is only seven weeks along, this is her second pregnancy and second loss. I can empathize at how discouraging that is.  I can only pray for them that their time will come for a happy and healthy pregnancy. I am confident that without experiencing the losses I had, I would not have this sweet baby girl.